Under 18 girls RANKINGS 2017
Rankings are updated as soon as possible after each tournament - however this can take up to a week to complete so please keep checking back for the most up to date rankings.
To see details of which tournaments a player got points in please click on her name.
Rankings last updated on 22/09/2024 at 5:03:00 AM
Rank | Forename | Surname | total |
1 | Jessica | Leeman | 11550 |
2 | Amy | Rothwell | 4274 |
3 | Megan | Chambers | 1776 |
4 | Mary | Parkash | 1440 |
5 | Sarah | Cousins | 1310 |
6 | Rachel | McCrum | 990 |
7 | Victoria | Hamilton | 430 |
8 | Emma | Roseingrave | 246 |
9 | Charlotte | Wilson | 210 |
9 | Rachel | McClements | 210 |
11 | Tara | Stewart | 203 |
12 | Megan | Rogers | 180 |
13 | Christina | Bahrani | 69 |
14 | Jessica | Eastwood | 60 |
15 | Ciara | Hill | 38 |
16 | Jemma | Bryson | 32 |
17 | Ciara | Griffin | 27 |
18 | Janet | Cunningham | 24 |
19 | Amy | Griffin | 14 |
20 | Rachel | McElrath | 11 |